Working On Magic Wheelchair

Hey friends! I’m collaborating with some amazing artists and makers from Artisan’s Asylum Artisans Asylum in the coming months to create epic costumes for kids with disabilities by incorporating their wheelchairs into the designs. Check out the Magic Wheelchair project and if you can, please support our endeavor to create something magical for Angelle! In the coming weeks, you’ll see updates toRead More…


It happened. You finally landed that next large project, the one that you think will defend all of your decisions leading up to this point. The big one that will redeem all of that hard work during the years leading up to it.  But the fact is that there is no one project that will do that. No one project will ever do that because that’s not how life works. All these projects really are is a waRead More…


I’m currently a Senior Infrastructure Engineer at Rue Gilt Groupe, with previous experience at companies such as SessionM, Cloud Care, Virgin Pulse, Airadigm and others. My background is in data center operations. I then expanded into the cloud when I moved to Boston. I consider myself an expert in data centers and cloud operations as I’m able to bridge the gap between these two worlds and offerRead More…