MandoDuck Was Born 1st Costume.

I wrote this some time ago. But thought I would post. I’ll send up an updated post later in the month. MANDODUCK Building this costume was a hell of a lot of fun. I learned a lot about costuming working with foam and even a few things with 3D printing that I had not known before. The video down below will go through the overall from start to finish building of the costume itself. The one Read More…

TES V1 – Traveling Entertainment System

Overview Since I travel a bunch for work, and spend a lot of time in hotels I decided to build this setup. It has a router/access point, a phone in tethered mode, USB Charger, and a PI that can be connected to any TV.                   The Plan At the start, I wanted something that did the following: 1. Stream Read More…

Project Pi-Up

Intro The idea here is to run a Rasberry Pi for as long as possible. I got the idea after finding a couple of different Reddit posts where people were comparing the up-times of their Raspberry Pis. This is a fun, silly little project, and so far, it’s been showing me some engineering challenges that I didn’t expect. A long time ago, I had purchased a specific module that allowed for dRead More…

Com64 Part2

Why a Commodore Rebuild? I’m not even really sure why I wanted to do this project to begin with. One day, I get this random idea that I want to turn an old Commodore into a current working Hardware. Seemed like a fun challenge and I needed a silly project to get me through COVID-19 Quarantine so I started planning it out. I think I should note and say that when I got this Commodore 64, it diRead More…

Commodore 64 Rebuild – Part 1

This is part one of my Commodore 64 rebuild. I really didn’t know what I was getting into with this project, but I wanted to rebuild a Commodore into a RetroPi machine. I wanted this cleaned up, remade, and have a new look. I also wanted the keyboard to work and not replaced. Part one is me getting started on the project, part 2 will be paint and electronics. Read More…

Smoke Master 9000

So for a while, I really wanted a smoker. But I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on one, especially if I didn’t know if I would actually like doing it. So when one of my buddies gave me a really crappy smoker that he found on the side of the road, I decided I was going to make my own to try smoking out for myself. The grill (s) Here are the initial pictures of the smoker I was given. As yRead More…